Political Work

Design Notes
I've never agreed with the idea that design should be a neutral vendor of services. The best design is one that take into account user or viewer needs, production limitations, and intended audience, obviously; but pretending that a designer's personal opinion doesn't have an effect on the design is willfully naive at best. To wit, here is where I admit I am unabashedly a progressive bleeding-heart leftist.
I've been doing pro-bono work for left-leaning causes for years. I've been hired by the National Democratic Party, the ACLU, the NRDC, and many other lefty causes. If you work for a progressive cause and you like my work, reach out, I'll mostly likely hook you up, for free! Seriously. Always happy to help.
If you represent a right-wing cause, you probably shouldn't try to hire me. Sorry, bruh, I don't do fascists. 💁