Electronic Frontier Foundation
Hugh D'Andrade from the EFF reached out to me, which I was thrilled about. We had worked together closely on Robots+Monsters, and I respect the hell out of the guy, and when he told me that EFF would like to hire me for EFF's. Ellentesque et posuere tortor. Integer vel malesuada urna, nec placerat magna. Nullam condimentum, enim in venenatis suscipit, lorem eros semper augue, a faucibus nibh turpis a tellus. Aenean aliquet ultrices ipsum, nec dignissim urna dignissim sit amet. Nulla ac tortor volutpat est ullamcorper egestas nec quis lectus. Pellentesque id libero vehicula, posuere nibh ac, congue turpis.

You can read about the project on the EFF website here.
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