This one is a hard one for me to talk about, because it was so much work, and held so much promise, and the problem was just that I lost interest when a more successful project came about. That's hard to admit, because it means I was seemingly more concerned about the success of the project than the actual content. That perhaps exposes me to be more feedback-focussed than I like. But it is what it is.
When I was 22, I moved from LA to Seattle, and was friendless, eager, and alone. I threw myself into my work, which at that time was heavily influenced by Moebius, 1930 movies, and UPA posters. I stumbled upon an idea, and it turned into a series of artshows, an online comic, a pile of merch, a trip to Seoul, and an ill-fated trip to Fox Studios in Burbank.
When I was 22, I moved from LA to Seattle, and was friendless, eager, and alone. I threw myself into my work, which at that time was heavily influenced by Moebius, 1930 movies, and UPA posters. I stumbled upon an idea, and it turned into a series of artshows, an online comic, a pile of merch, a trip to Seoul, and an ill-fated trip to Fox Studios in Burbank.